Before the end of the year the remaining weeks - it's time to sum up. And the Russian office of HTC launches vote on the best smartphone of this year. This
procedure was chosen the most basic and simple tools - allocation
system like in the popular social networks Facebook and Twitter page.
HTC Russia Beats Phone 20122012
was difficult for the company HTC, the leadership is struggling to
reduce excess costs, while maintaining the recent models of innovation
and quality of end devices. Russian office of the company has also worked very hard, and this was, and colleagues from around the region EMEA. The
result was quite a successful conclusion to the Russian market 11
smartphones, two of which run on Windows Phone 8, a new version of the
mobile operating system from Microsoft, have remained on board the
companies interested in which of the released this year is the most
popular smartphones in the consumer and how it differs from the actual
sales models. To do this, the official website of HTC-Russia in the MySpace and Facebook were organized voting. They involve the following devices:Budget and most affordable smartphone in 2012 from HTC - Desire CThe world's first smartphone with two MicroSIM - Desire SVThe first smartphone with two SIM - Desire VTough and pretty middling - Desire XMetal subflagman with AMOLED-display - One SThe first LTE-smartphone corporation in Russia - One SVJunior representative of the series, the beginning and continued a long tradition - HTC One VUnconditional leader of this year from HTC - One XImproved and expanded version of the flagship - One X +The most affordable Windows Phone on the market - 8SThe most compact flagship Windows Phone - 8XIt may seem that the public will vote for the flagship device. However,
in each of the HTC devices invested soul, so that there are those who
chose as the most coveted not a flagship quad-core within and accessible
middling. However, the regulations do not forbid you to select multiple favorite devices.Of course, the portal YouHTC completely shakes you, our readers, to take part in the vote. Vkontakte fans can make it here, loving Facebook fit this link.
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