Friday, December 7, 2012

Alpha CyanogenMod 10.1 with Android 4.2 for HTC Sensation

Despite many complaints from journalists and users, HTC Sensation, released in 2011, was for many fans of the brand a favorite device. This means that around smartphone formed a pretty good community, which is working on a modification of it in the program plan. Since HTC is hardly a sensation will update to Android 4.2 Jelly Bean, third-party developers with a dual passion for porting took this version of Google's mobile OS on the smartphone.
CM 10.1 HTC Sensation 
Without further ado, bruce2728 decided to base CyanogenMod 10.1, which is just based on Android 4.2, and is based on it to create a firmware for the HTC Sensation. The reasons are a great many, including a large number of fans and flashing pretty amicable community of developers. In addition, CyanogenMod 10.1 least developed fairly evenly, without haste, but the code of the new version of Android is completely transferred to the project, there were only some cosmetic changes, which are usually "dopilivayutsya" on the go.Almost complete readiness of the project and the overall performance shows created bruce2728 for HTC Senation build. Even now he does not just run, but nearly ready for everyday use. At the moment, the screen works, the connection to the network and Wi-Fi-points. There are some problems with Bluetooth, camera and sound, but the project is only in the beginning of his career, in the future it will probably be fixed.With the mainline CyanogenMod 10.1 in more efficient condition of third-party drivers for Sensation based on it will grow significantly. In principle, the relevance of HTC Sensation in the software now depends on third-party developers.

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