Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Japanese toilet released on Android

Android once could be found on smartphones, occasionally on the plates. But now the system has become so popular around the measure among producers of diverse technology, it will soon be difficult to name any device that has not yet tried to release under the green robot. Although, so far all I've heard before, about Soup, running on Android, was very familiar and extremely shock did not cause. Is that the first cameras on Android I was really surprised. But the Japanese-creators as always able to surpass all those who offered something earlier.
Унитаз на Android 
Toilet for AndroidTokyo-based corporation has recently released Lixil toilet, running Android. Will be available this miracle very soon - in February. Apparently, you will not only buy the miracle toilet, but download and install on your smartphone app My Satis, with which will be controlled by white friend. You at least be able to wash away the results of their meetings, to raise and lower the toilet seat, turn on and off the jet bidet. It will be possible to control and built-in player, choosing a track, for which you will be most comfortable in the bathroom, sets you on an appropriate way. Toilet, of course, equipped with built-in speakers.Smart toilet service will even keep tracking your visits and achievements. There's even the case if being at a party or at a party, you have visited another water closet, then this can inform fellow home to an event that was recorded in the log of your overall ... (Ahem, I can not think of a synonym for censorship and printing this process).WC on AndroidAs usual, such strange Soup will not be cheap. Prices of modification will vary from 199 000 - 389 500 yen. If translated into a more traditional American currency, the figures are as follows $ 2.385 - $ 4.657.I wonder whether it will be a sample for review and testing beg?)

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