Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Kid's Shell - blocks unwanted startup programs for children

All parents in a family where there are small children dedicated. As is often the case that you give to the child with a toy cell phone, so that his little distracted and at this time to do something. Once the phone is returned to you before, he usually returned in the same condition in which you give it to a child ... Although there is not usually on the phone is running a bunch of third party applications, you get a SMS that the balance of your card is reduced and you've just bought a new application, or if your child looked very funny, but intended for adult video clip on youtube.
Kid's Shell 
From all this ugliness you save the application Kid's Shell. Just install it. Make a Kid's Shell as default button «Home» and knock on your desktop allowed to run a child application.
Now you can safely give mobile phone (or tablet) to his favorite daze. He will be available and permitted only the applications that are displayed on the desktop. The child can not go beyond the allowed applications by clicking on the banners or promotional links within. All third party applications will block the display ban. Child can not call, send SMS or purchase the application.
To go to the parent mode, and configure the application to remember the multiplication table and solve the example. The same example to decide to exit the application.Application adapted to run on phones and tablets.The application is absolutely free.


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