Friday, November 2, 2012

Windows Phone can receive notification cente

On a recent day Russian mobile stores replenished the first smartphone with Windows Phone 8 on board - HTC 8X. The developers of the operating system seriously worked on expanding the functionality of the new version of the mobile operating system from Microsoft, so it will catch up on the possibilities of the existing leaders - iOS and Android. But, unfortunately, are still some "holes" in functionality. For example, the center of notifications, which, however, may soon be added.
WP Notification Bar 
This month is for fans of Microsoft products is interesting not only release products on Windows Phone 8, but the developer conference Buid. Yesterday, at a separate session devoted to live tiles and the system alerts the user to the Windows Phone in general, Thomas Fennell (Thomas Fennel) quite clearly implied - the development team is now seriously considering the center tray. He admitted that they simply did not have enough time to implement this function properly, and confirmed - their team has a lot of feedback from application developers with a request has finally deal with this functionality.Faced with any Windows Phone knows warning system implemented stylish and beautiful, but strange. When you receive an event at the top of the screen there is a strip-notification with a brief description, if you open it, you can open the appropriate application and learn more. A strip of this after a while she lost or disappears when multiple alerts. Of course, if the application in which the event supports live tiles, the user will see a notice on it.However, it forces the user to place the vast fields of application of tiles, which he uses very often, and not always working properly push this to the tiles. Apparently, Microsoft is implementing some panel, which will be visible to all of the recent notification.

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