Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Apple is losing market tablets

Recent research shows that Apple is losing market share in tablet computers. This sounds interesting information on the background of the triumphant reports representatives Corporation of Cupertino, which sound almost every new company presentation. Let's look at the trend and we estimate that threatens Apple in this market.All Tablets Q32012 GraphAccording to a study published known agency IDC, Apple is at the moment only has half of the world market of tablet computers. More specifically, over the past year, the share of Apple tablets decreased to 50.4%. Last year, the figure was 59.7%. The share of tablet Samsung increased almost three-fold, to 18.4%, Amazon c Fire, sold at that time in the U.S., took 9%, and ASUS - 8.6%, thanks for that Nexus 7. Interestingly, the top five hit and Lenovo 1.4% - the company feels pretty good in their own market.
Wooden tabletsInterest and growth, resulting from the comparison of the absolute values ​​of sales in the third quarter of this and the previous year. It turns out that Apple iPad sales have raised by 26.1%. The indicator is not fantastic, but decent enough ... until we see the same in Samsung. The growth rate of sales of tablet PCs from the Korean corporation was 325%. Taiwanese from ASUS is also nice to have succeeded - they increased by 242.9%.Tablets 3Q2012 Data
All Tablets Q32012 Graph 
Of course, the situation is still far from Apple catastrophic, this manufacturer has over the years will keep the leading position in the tablet market, but Android-devices due to the greater flexibility in pricing begin to seriously afflict leader. By the way, at the end of last month in this segment came another operating system - Windows RT. This Windows 8 for ARM-chip, which, though limited in terms of "desktop" interface, but allows full access to the new tiled interface and app store. It is likely that next year the same Samsung and ASUS grow even more precisely by the new operating system from Microsoft. That's just what happens at the expense of growth - cannibalizing its own Android-making or replacement of Apple? However, soon Microsoft partners will sell tablets with Intel processors and "desktop» Windows 8 on board, which is slightly thicker and heavier than the RT-options, but functional - it can seriously affect the market.It is already clear that the tablet PC from HTC this year we will not get it. But in 2013, the company may try again to enter the market with a solution based on Android or Windows RT. While the need to understand that HTC will be difficult to enter the top five, expensive tablet with some premium features will be purchasing only the fans of the company, ordinary consumers also become more affordable device. Tablet PC has long ceased to be a luxury goods for the elite, and go to market with the same as that of all, HTC will not be because of the image.


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