Wednesday, October 10, 2012

HTC no longer "feed» Samsung

HTC wants to minimize his relationship with Samsung. This feeling arises after reading the information published today known resource Digitimes. Perhaps this is due to escalate the situation in the market of custom mobile devices.
Samsung Memory Chips 
As should be well known to fans of HTC, the Taiwanese manufacturer did not produce parts smartphone, purchasing and ordering them from major vendors with its own production. In skhematehnike one of the largest manufacturers of some of the details was the company Samsung, parts produced by this corporation in Korea for many years used HTC. But a few years ago Samsung got into a fight on the Taiwanese smartphone, and let's face it, until they look like winners.It became known that HTC refused camera modules from Samsung, produced entirely by switching to Sony and OmniVision. Already in 2010, the company buys SuperLCD panel at Sony and gradually trying to give up AMOLED-display Samsung, clicking on products AU Optronics, with which the HTC contract. This transition is not fully implemented until some screens purchased from Koreans, but HTC is moving in this direction. In the near future in smartphones from HTC Samsung will only memory, but here the company can find other ways.In fact, this executive decision was made to not feed the competitor. Besides, wins competitor. On the same path is an American corporation Apple. Already, according to technical experts kupertinovtsy almost independent from Samsung, A6 processors only going to Samsung, while the A5 is not too much different from the types of chips Koreans. It is possible that the following processors Apple will be collected at the plants of a different manufacturer.

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